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Goss's wilt and hybrids
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Posted 8/17/2011 08:47 (#1916278 - in reply to #1916251)
Subject: Re: Goss's wilt and hybrids

Boone Co. Iowa
My LG seed salesman said that the 301 male, a Holden/Monsanto/DeKalb male, does very poorly v. Goss' Wilt. We have a few spots just showing up recently where Goss' Wilt is appearing.

He has been talking about Goss' Wilt for the past two years, and in our area, this is the first year we have seen it in more than one or two fields.

He said a tightly wound tassle, very vertical tassle, is one trait of the DeKalb number(s) that are susceptible to Goss's Wilt.

I'm just repeating what I heard yesterday.
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