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Autotrac Universial............wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!!!
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Chad H
Posted 5/30/2006 01:36 (#15861 - in reply to #15705)
Subject: Re: Autotrac Universial............wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!!!

That's what will happen Dennis. We are kicking around the idear of going strip-till with some zone building/deep banding thrown in the mix and would probably go RTK at that same time. Everything is SF2 as of right now, but we will probably be looking into another key card or possibly getting one of the new displays down the road. The universial is probably fine for use on broad acre tillage or solid seeding like we did with the 9300, but for planting corn with the hopes of ever coming back and combining with autosteer it's hopeless. Where my cousin planted with his 8110 the rows look a lot better. It's NOT like we didn't try changing all the different settings in different arrangements. There is just too many variables in a four wheel drive for the ATU to compensate for compared to a factory system............besides that the "humm" of that wheel constanty going back and forth could drive a guy insane.
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