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Autotrac Universial............wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!!!
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Chad H
Posted 5/29/2006 01:59 (#15627)
Subject: Autotrac Universial............wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!!!

Well, we are starting to wind down the planting. Only wheat stubble left and it's going to be a while. Thundering now, and I got buried in the driest piece this morning. Corn is all up good, and I see nothing but wandering rows. This is our first year with a four wheel drive, but with the 8220 you could always shoot down the rows. Now we've got.............well..........rows with lots of wags in them. I know some guys who run the regular JD autotrac in their four wheel drives and I'll have to talk to them, but I know they'd never put up with this garbage. Maybe it's better on a FWA but I won't recommend it to anyone for a four wheeler. After this year's performance, the regular system will be installed before the upcoming season. End rant!

Edited by Chad H 5/29/2006 01:59
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