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Speed and Pressure Spraying to EZ-Guide / EZ-Boom?
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Posted 1/29/2025 18:32 (#11079866)
Subject: Speed and Pressure Spraying to EZ-Guide / EZ-Boom?

Central Maryland
I know I am probably in the minority, but I really like spraying. I have always done my own relatively small acres with a simple put together sprayer. I now setting up a new sprayer and think I want to upgrade to a controller from the speed and pressure method I have always used. I previously just made up a control box with switches to control my TeeJet 430 electric ball valves and regulated with a manual valve and pressure gauge on the sprayer. I used an EZ-Guide 250 and manually steer for guidance. I would like to re-use my 430 valves but otherwise will need to buy everything so it is wide open. I know its outdated and not supported but it looks like an EZ-Guide 500 and EZ-Boom would work best for what I want at a price I can afford. Given that it is outdated and not supported I am having trouble figuring out exactly what I need. Based on what I have figured out so far, in addition to the EZ-Guide 500 and EZ-Boom I would need:

1. a flow control valve - looks like a Raven 2123 valve would work- there are different ones, any guidance on which one?
2. a flow meter - not sure which one?
3. cables - is there a chart or some list of which ones are needed (it looks like there is a way to use the teejet valves)
4. Anything else that I am missing?

Any other help of advice is much appreciated for my situation.

Thank you!

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