North Central Iowa | Make sure you find a copy of the Trimble cabling guides, they will help a lot. Trimble doesn’t have them on their website anymore. Their app might still. But several dealers seem to still have them posted online if you google for them.
I ran an ez guide 500 and ez boom (and ez steer) for several years until recently to run pull sprayer. Was 1000 times better than manual control. I still have the whole package, but not ready to part with it.
You hit the nail on the head, the ez guide 500 and ez boom is quite powerful as it was the top of the line at the time. And being older, is priced right.
Have any specific questions, could email me directly and I’ll try to help. I also have a copy of all the old Trimble user guides and cabling guides, so could help out their if you can’t find them. | |