![](/profile/get-photo.asp?memberid=875&type=profile&rnd=285) North Central Iowa | DroneDeploy is good but lately I've been doing more with MapsMadeEasy, which also comes with a drone flight system, MapPilotPro. What I like about it is it a pay as you go type of system and you're charged based on the size of the imagery and/or what you all want back for data. When your credit get low, you just buy more credits. Website is: https://www.mapsmadeeasy.com. I've also used one called WebODM https://www.opendronemap.org/webodm , works good too but not as user friendly as Drone Deploy or MapsMadeEasy.
Hope this helps!
Edited by KevinFButt 12/30/2022 08:45
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