Chebanse, IL..... | Kevin....or anyone that might have facts..
A couple questions if you don't mind. If you'd rather use email, mine is in Profile also.
First, I have a Phantom 4 Pro. Second, any mapping would be OUR fields, not for hire (I understand rules).
How long did it take you to fly that 101 acre field to take 295 images? Had to land for battery changes? Does the automated flight path know what to do about (or after) battery changes?
What altitude (AGL) did you fly? Do you, the pilot, choose/control altitude, or does the Map Pilot Pro?
Does Map Pilot Pro also control camera view? Or, do you just always use "straight down"?
Which vers. of Map Pilot Pro do you use? Base? Pro? Elite?
My Phantom 4 is the "Pro Plus" version, meaning it has it's own screen on controller. I don't use a phone. Do you know if the Map Pilot Pro work with that controller?
Thanks Ron |