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Drone mapping software-Drone Deploy?
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Posted 1/16/2023 16:40 (#10043299 - in reply to #10040621)
Subject: RE: Drone mapping software-Drone Deploy?

North Central Iowa

Ron, and everyone else too for that matter,

Don't mind sharing and answering your questions that you posted, so with we go: my answers will be in bold text below

(my contact info is in my bio as well and anyone can contact me directly if you want more info)

As a reference, I fly a Phantom 4 Pro, a Phantom 4 II Pro, Autel Evo II Pro, and used to fly an eBee fixed wing.

How long did it take you to fly that 101 acre field to take 295 images?
The flight took about 45 minutes from start to finish.

Had to land for battery changes?
Yes, but the MapPilotPro was all automated, it came back when it needed to and landed. Swapped out the batteries and then it resumed the mission. All of that was on it's own with no input from me

Does the automated flight path know what to do about (or after) battery changes?

What altitude (AGL) did you fly?
I was at 300' AGL

Do you, the pilot, choose/control altitude, or does the Map Pilot Pro?
You control it. As part of the mission planning you set the altitude and then it will auto calculate the flight path and tell you approximately how long, how many images, etc.

Does Map Pilot Pro also control camera view or do you just always use "straight down"?
Yes it takes care of the camera. When the mission started, I could see the video feed on the controller (I run iPads...bigger screen, easier to see) and the camera was facing forward, but once it started the mission the MapPilotPro rotated the camera down and started the mission. When it was done with the mission, the camera went back to facing forward.

Which vers. of Map Pilot Pro do you use? Base? Pro? Elite?
I'm on the Base plan...mainly for the video mode and the 95% overlap...something that I use to show students the differences in overlap percentages.

Do you know if the Map Pilot Pro work with that controller? works with my DJI Phantoms. I have not had a a chance to try it on the Autel Evo since I only got that drone this fall and by the time my college got it on our insurance policy (our college's insurance provider is very clear that we can't fly them until they are covered)... but their MapPilotPro website says it should work with it. They have a weblink where they list what they all work with and time lines on models (

Hope this helps!

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