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Who's the happiest farmer in your aera?
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Posted 12/17/2012 12:06 (#2757665 - in reply to #2756403)
Subject: RE: Who's the happiest farmer in your aera?

Soldiers Grove Wi. 54655
I too have to thank you for starting a thread like this...Being new to the board it's been refreshing for the most part to read many threads and take part in a couple from time to time... Now more than ever we need to realize what makes not only ourselves content and happy but others most of all..
As far as being a happy farmer I would have to say I'm right up there and it keeps getting better even though life situations are sometimes tough.... After a series of injuries and a couple divorces I'm finally figuring out where my "contentment" is as far as my farm size and where I want to go with it... I will say back in the late 80s I thought I was doing great until one day lightning literally stuck and changed my life.. I had a ton of stuff written but it really doesn't need to be expressed here as far as what's happened in my life but as I mentioned I'm at a place in life where contentment means happiness... Thank God I have a wonderful family and my dad comes out every day to visit or to help since I live alone on our farm that's been in the family since 1858... One thing that helps me stay happy and content is when I came to realize my limitations and know I'm about at my limit and it's working out... I also have a son who works for Walker Racing and he and his wife have 2 sons and are now opening a salon this next week just west of Indy... My daughter and her husband have a son and daughter and are doing great also in the medical field down in the same area.
Even though we get our floods every so often and like everyone else the breakdowns come when they want my way of dealing with it sort of works like when I would go to the dentist or in for a medical procedure.."By this time tomorrow or next month it will be over and better"... Dwelling on the negative only makes one negative I feel... Sadly today there are so many who seem to thrive on negativity and aren't happy unless they can make others miserable... I guess I'd rather put a smile on a face and hear a laugh than a frown along with a curse...
Yes, I can honestly say I am a member of the "HFO" Happiest Farm Operator's group and my parents are too...(My Dad and my Mom who passed a couple years ago were married and farmed most their lives for just about 65 years and he will be 85 in Jan).
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