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John Deere 7800 pto not working
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Posted 11/11/2023 17:09 (#10478212 - in reply to #10261699)
Subject: RE: John Deere 7800 pto not working

You have probably figured something out by now. I haven't worked on a 7000 series my experience is on a 6310 but those solenoids should be supplied 12V to operate. If you wiggle the wires and the PTO turns off I would be looking for a broken wire or a poor connection in the metripack connector, I have seen that. If it's like the 6x10 series you can put the tractor into diagnostic mode and under one of the addresses if you wiggle a wire and the computer sees a change of state it will beep indicating that, that may narrow down the search for a bad wire.
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