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Magnum 225 & CIH 1200 MIU & MCC1 Faults, What's My Issue?
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Posted 5/22/2023 07:16 (#10238688 - in reply to #10236686)
Subject: RE: Magnum 225 & CIH 1200 MIU & MCC1 Faults, What's My Issue?

Stanford IL
If it has v set and v drive on it the 700 won’t run it and probably has different seed tube sensors on it. The 700 will just do folding functions and a couple other functions. Yes, you probably need to have your dealer put older software on the 700. But that will screw up your auto guidance if you are running it through the 700. Might need to run 2 monitors, 3 if you need a 20/20.
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