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Entry level drone
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Posted 7/8/2021 18:04 (#9099651 - in reply to #9079369)
Subject: RE: Entry level drone

Central Western VA Mountains
The DJI Mavic Mini 2 is out, but I think Walmart is going to be selling perhaps the original Mavic Mini as the “Mavic Mini SE” for a lower price. We have the original Mavic Mini and like it - so far... That might be a good place to start.

If you want to spend more money, I kind of like the Autel EVO II. IMHO, it is physically bigger than the MM, a bright orange - read, easy to see in the sky. It also has an advertised battery life of 40 minutes, which is probably an honest 30 minutes. I think the latest Mavic Air 2 is 20 minutes, down 10 minutes from the original.
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