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Mavic 2 or Phantom 4 Pro V2?
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Posted 2/4/2020 11:26 (#8020691 - in reply to #8012165)
Subject: RE: Mavic 2 or Phantom 4 Pro V2?

SC Wisconsin
I have the Mavic Pro 2 and use it for the same thing you are asking about. I find the size of this package facilitates using the drone often. I have it in the vehicle most days, carry it on my shoulder when on the ATV and put it in the air very quickly.

The Phantom is an excellent, proven platform. Never owned one but have had many providers use it on fields. The size of the bird and time of set up was never appealing to me when I watched the pilots operate.

The Mavic Pro 2 does very well in winds. Granted, it is smaller than many others but the low profile of the machine also reduces the surface area exposed. The cameras are very similar across both platforms.
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