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Small group of drones flying at night.
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   Forums List -> Drone TalkMessage format
Posted 1/3/2020 12:44 (#7948793 - in reply to #7948546)
Subject: RE: Small group of drones flying at night.

SE Nebraska, Near Misery and Cans Ass!

paul the original - 1/3/2020 10:44
SDFarmboy - 1/2/2020 17:44

This new ruling from the FAA is a good thing, think of a small group of drones carrying bombs or worse.
I suppose the military radar can pick these up, but flying low I wonder  They could destroy a large Air Force base.
This would be good for a laser weapon on auto tracking.

The new ruling which isn’t yet a rule will stop good people from enjoying and using drones. It will do nothing to stop a drone attack by bad people. Those drones would need to be larger to haul a payload and carry it far enough, so home built, I don’t see bad people bothering to follow the rules to put a tracking system in their drone designed to carry a bomb? Foolish. Paul

Really not what I started this thread about but If I was a terrorist I would think drones were the greatest thing since sliced bread. And no amount of rules or regulations will change that.

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