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DJI Mavic Pro and Pro 2
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Posted 12/19/2019 07:23 (#7917228 - in reply to #7901003)
Subject: RE: DJI Mavic Pro and Pro 2

Yorkshire UK

Don't forget the Mavic 2 Zoom which doesn't have the H.265 10 bit video option.
You don't have to use that on the 2 Pro either but not much point paying for it then not using it and sometimes the ability to zoom in is handy.
The original Mavic Pro is still a good machine but the video quality is only so-so, not much in for stills.
The Mavic 2 is a bit heavier built and has more power, it will cope better in stronger winds, range not much difference to be honest. 

I'd go so far as to say Mavic 2 range is as good a package as you will ever get for essentially amateur use..
Drones have been so tainted by constant (largely fabricated) negative coverage I suspect future models will be far more locked down.
I'd expect enforced reduced range, and enforced periodic going online for 'updates' to comply with evolving legislation. 

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