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Python, the preferred programming language skill
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Don Smith
Posted 9/26/2017 21:27 (#6273028 - in reply to #6271748)
Subject: RE: Python, the preferred programming language skill

Centre county Pennsylvania, USA

Thanks much for the offer, I'll keep that in mind.

FWIW, my biggest current challenge is:

"Code, test, and package a python program that will time the stock,futures,and options market well enough to consistently earn greater total return than any private or public hedge fund." Most private and public investors mark their total return success against one, or more, indexes. So, my challenge is to consistently beat the indexes. I'm almost convinced that it can be done by folks that are very proficient in python language and mindset.

On the GIS front, those challenges have come and gone. My greatest success in GIS was breaking the ARC pay-as-you-go monopoly. Python does that with open software QGIS, and glues in the pretty pictures using open software provided by Google. That's the beauty of python, it can do anything the human mind can conceive, all with open software.
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