Read this thread !!!! The booklet with the bolts is absolutely critical. Serial numbers and casting numbers play into this. SRI posted the booklet scans and they are in the above thread. Edit: also re posted those scans here.
(1 466.jpg)
(2 466.jpg)
(3 466.jpg)
(4 466.jpg)
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Attachments ----------------
1 466.jpg (162KB - 301 downloads)
2 466.jpg (167KB - 284 downloads)
3 466.jpg (165KB - 259 downloads)
4 466.jpg (200KB - 258 downloads)
5 466.jpg (159KB - 238 downloads)
6 466.jpg (185KB - 266 downloads)
7 466.jpg (226KB - 239 downloads)
8 466.jpg (197KB - 296 downloads)
9 466.jpg (199KB - 257 downloads)
10 466.jpg (164KB - 280 downloads)