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Any NTC 855 experts out there?
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Posted 2/5/2016 22:51 (#5091296 - in reply to #5091276)
Subject: RE: Any NTC 855 experts out there?

Dearfield Co.
Are the marks wore off the asecory drive pulley??? In this case it would seem some one had to stab the assecory drive in out of time-----------to verify that cyl 1-6 mark on the pulley should have the keyway at 12 o clock . you would have to pull the nut to see this but I would guess that is part of the problem.

The D injector is just a common injector that the travel is set by the adjustment screw in either the torque method or the proper method of using a dial indicator --------------the top stop sets the travel within the inj using a rubber like link that can fail. No matter which method you use it will all be within 10 inch lbs of being the same
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