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Any NTC 855 experts out there?
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Posted 2/5/2016 22:41 (#5091277 - in reply to #5090148)
Subject: RE: Any NTC 855 experts out there?

Dearfield Co.
YEs I would re run it------------Then a brief run . If you had the push tubes completely out of the engine be positive you dropped them back into the cam follower socket . I can't believe the ones over the years That I have encountered that were between the inj puchrod socket and a valve socket

Also I must say some pulleys are marked TDC-------------forget you ever saw that and run it by number sequence like I said earlier paying particular attention to stroke making sure no valve events are happening .

As far as the top stop thing some of the small cams got them due to cam wear but I can't remember what year------the only thing that concerns me about this project is if the wrong inj pump is with the wrong injectors-----But for comparisons sake if you ran a top stop inj in the regular manner the inj torque will come out to about 75 inch lbs. you would never see anything bent just excessive cam wear and inj wear until the inj plunger seated into the tips.

Just to be on the safe side a picture of the injectors would be a benefit to all involved-----------probably inj pump as well.

I need to thank Dan for the vote of confidence as well. Not often on this site that I get this

Edited by a4t-1600 2/6/2016 09:39
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