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Any NTC 855 experts out there?
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Mountain Mechanic
Posted 2/5/2016 22:41 (#5091276 - in reply to #5090703)
Subject: RE: Any NTC 855 experts out there?

cSo I just got back from working on this thing again and when I left I only had input from a4t-1600, which was very helpful. It turns out most of you are hitting a piece of the puzzle. I went to Spencer Diesel's website to see what injectors I actually ordered since they go by CPL, and apparently what I have are called PTD injectors. They look a lot like top stops to me, I haven't done enough of these to be good at identifying them yet. I was going to try setting the injectors using the OBC method, as recommended by a4t-1600, but when I set the timing mark and studied the rocker arms things weren't looking right. I checked the injector for zero lash and it was where I set it. So then I turned the engine a little farther and checked it again and it was loose. I threw a dial indicator on #1 injector rocker arm and rotated the engine until the rocker was full down. The accessory drive is off about 60 degrees. I gave myself a new mark on the cover with a paint pen for a baseline and reran the entire overhead using the OBC method. The thing runs like a million bucks. Thanks for the input. Can somebody tell me the difference between top stop and PTD?
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