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Any NTC 855 experts out there?
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Posted 2/5/2016 18:14 (#5090703 - in reply to #5090077)
Subject: RE: Any NTC 855 experts out there?

North Dakota
Are you absolutely positive they are top stops? I can't recall any small cams having the top stops. Top stops have a nut on top of the spring and only the pintle will come out. Personally I only use the outer base circle to adjust any injector because there are times when top stops are not adjusted correct from the factory. OBC method ensures the injector is closed at end of injection.

Normally when you adjust the injectors too tight it bends the push tubes.

What I think has happened is you have regular injectors and they have been adjusted too long.

One other thing to check is make sure the accessory drive is installed correctly. Roll the engine over until valves are rocking on 1 or 6, at that time the 1-6 mark should be lined up with the mark on the cover
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