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Any NTC 855 experts out there?
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Mountain Mechanic
Posted 2/5/2016 12:04 (#5090148 - in reply to #5090121)
Subject: RE: Any NTC 855 experts out there?

I did clean the cups and the injectors did snap in before I torqued them. I also laid out all of the parts, including push rods, in order when disassembling. I have always been pretty stringent on putting any parts that develop a wear pattern back in the same spot, some guys have said too much so, but I don't think you can be too careful with that. I spent a quite a bit of time turning the engine by hand and watching the valve train to make sure I was on the correct cylinder, so I'm fairly confident that was good. You got me thinking on the test oil though, didn't consider that. Based on what I have told you, with the loading up and everything, would you re-run the overhead before pulling the injectors to check them?
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