Dearfield Co. | Lots of things come to mind---------------are you sure they are top stop? I wouldn't of put top stops back in a small cam engine myself. Then are you absolutely sure you got the push rods in the cam follower right if removed?? Then the next thing is did you clean the cups good and seat them with a SNAP before you tongued the hold down down??
Then lets talk about the zero lash---------if there is test oil in the cups that can throw you off. I would say run it the normal way 1-6 cyl would set which ever cyl that wasn't having a valve event deal----------only set them at 45 inch lbs and then see how it runs. I would guess that you either got on the wrong stroke running the overhead or you might of mismatched some parts or not go t the inj seated in a clean bore
Should add I am not a expert-----------Been told by many on this forum that fact so hopefully some of those will chime in
Edited by a4t-1600 2/5/2016 11:56
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