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Any NTC 855 experts out there?
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Mountain Mechanic
Posted 2/5/2016 11:29 (#5090077)
Subject: Any NTC 855 experts out there?

I threw a set of recon injectors in a small cam 855 with top stops in it. I have a bad feeling I punched out the tips. Barely got it started and when it ran it was terrible wit a LOT of smoke. The cylinders are loaded up with fuel bad. I used the IBC method, but don't have the little in/lbs torque wrench, so I went with zero lash. I actually think I did the damage on assembly by not backing out the adjusting screws far enough, but I'm not certain. I'v done a lot of Cummins stuff but this is only the second time I've run into top stops. I've seen some guys say they use OBC method and wondering if anyone here has experience with doing top stops this way. I kinda like the idea of knowing where the end of travel is myself. I can stand to buy the guy a set of injectors to replace the ones I wrecked, but I don't want to do it twice. Any input would be appreciated.
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