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help me understand what im paying for and how to cheapen it up. seed traits vs. insecticide.....
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Posted 11/23/2013 16:34 (#3464206)
Subject: help me understand what im paying for and how to cheapen it up. seed traits vs. insecticide.....

20 Miles West of Indianapolis Indiana
I realize this is a question for my seed salesman, but i dont feel comfortable asking him since I'm trying to cut him out....
I have bought VT3 RIB pro corn for my CoC acres for root worm control. For my corn following bean acres I am buying vt2 pro RIB. As well as some RR only. I've done a terrible job of scouting for bugs... I'm probably a salesman dream when it comes to selling traits. But I'm sick of the high priced seed cost. I have been offered nonGMO quite a bit cheaper then my current guy is even selling non GMO.

I've been reading a bunch of post concerning insecticides. Such as capture. Coup says he's putting it in furrow, as well as with his sprayer twice costing roughly $10.... what will this replace for me?

There are multiple products I can get dry and run through smart boxes.... what all would they replace?

I like having the roundup for cleaning up field edges with my spot sprayer, as well as a good insurance policy to help clean up missed spits, but for the savings I'm looking at I can deal with a little grass around then edges.....
Dad always had clean corn before we raised RR corn, and so did I really.... what should i look firbthis sprung/summer scouting for bugs so I can feel more confident making the change for the 2015 crop????
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