Martinsville, Ohio | Oh yes, it hits me, then I come to my senses and see exactly why I did what I did. Agricultural Education was a natural fit for me from my genetics and my background and teaching became a meaningful way of life for me.
I wanted to be a scientist and I wanted to be a farmer. Ag Ed was a good split down the middle. I always said that the lack of higher math skills kept the scientist part subdued, today I would love to be a corn breeder! What a challenging and promising future that would be! I love to study the role of genetics in what we are.
Soil science always intriguied me as I like history too but like chemistry and biology. Biology was my best subject but thankfully I learned to read and write and learned touch typing in high school.
I love ag engineering but am too impatient to be a good mechanic. I admire good mechanics greatly, they keep the world rolling!
The right teacher, the right ag teacher is a huge influence on a young persons future and I take that very seriously!
"I got my start in 4-H" is appropriate for me but high school agricultural education shaped and formed and changed my life for good and forever!
Ed | |