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RTK Problems
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Posted 6/15/2006 09:08 (#19639 - in reply to #19479)
Subject: RE: RTK Problems

NW Ohio
We are experiencing the same problem you have. We have the GS1 system using the SF2 signal on a 8300T. Strip tilling last fall and planting were fine. We installed the lastest upgrade before planting. Then with the sidedressing we noticed that the first 30 or so acres we had to do a lot of nudging. Then the offset started. Ours would be for the most part .3 to .7 off on every turn. Once in a great while it would be right on. We were talking thruout sidedressing with the Deere Dealer and they are relaying info to Deere, but no anwsers yet. Deere's last question was if you turned right back into the same pass, would it move over the .7, and ours did not.
We are now done with sidedressing.
I have not heard back from the Dealer so I am assuming that Deere is still trying to figure it out.
Dealer did say that before the warrenty is up, maybe we should reload or reprogram the whole software system.
So we are still waiting for an answer.
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