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RTK Problems
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Posted 6/14/2006 12:35 (#19433 - in reply to #19380)
Subject: RE: Rutting

tedbear - 6/14/2006 07:50When full, the sprayer tires (tractor tires running backwards) leave ruts at times. Now I'm thinking that in the problem field, my sprayer was following these ruts created by the first pass spraying. I was probably a bit sloppy in spraying the first pass since the corn was quite small.

It sounds like rutting may very well be the issue you were fighting, especially since you are on a slope. With the first sprayer pass across the field, your sprayer would have been drafting downhill causing the initial set of ruts. However, you probably did not notice any issues with the sprayer running into the crop because you were creating the ruts this time through the field and your tractor was trying to pull the sprayer back up the slope. Then you come through the second time and you sprayer is going to fall into the ruts and stay in the ruts, unless you have some sort of implement guidance. You can try to drive in the opposite direction all you want but unless you start running over rows, you are not going to be able to keep your sprayer out of the ruts which, as you noticed, cause the sprayer to hit the crop.

What's your e-mail address? I'd like to figure discuss this with you over e-mail.
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