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Outback Baseline
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Posted 6/13/2006 16:57 (#19227 - in reply to #18475)
Subject: RE: Outback Baseline

Soutwest Ks.
I also posted a similiar question recently on this forum. Very little response. I think the reason being is that there are very few units actually out on farms as they had a major production delay. The hype and ads have been around for a long time but the actual product has been slow in coming. I have a friend who has prototyped several versions of this unit. He is reasonably impressed at this point, but just recently received the production baseline and hasn't had much experience yet. He planted his corn with e-drive with the crescent technology and was moderately impressed. Have talked to another large farmer that was running baseline and e-drive on a four wheel drive Deere doing strip tilling. He was satisfied with unit so far. He went back in and planted corn with the e-drive with a mfwd tractor and felt like the mfwd set up worked a lot better than the articulated Deere. I personally feel that they have still a little more development to go, (addition of terrain compensator) and some accuracy issues and they will be ready for prime time. For the money spent, I feel like it is a good system, not as good as Trimble RTK probably, but not near the money either. No subscription fees either. Post back on here if you actually get some experience with one, I would like to hear. I know there have been many favorable comments about Trimble EZ Steer on this forum, but personally I dislike the gimmicky, micky mouse set up of their steering motor apparatus hanging on the side of the steering wheel, regardless if it does what it's meant to do. I'll probably get nuked for making that statement, but I quess everyone has a right to their own opinion.
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