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Like a homesick angel
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Don Smith
Posted 6/8/2006 20:25 (#18065 - in reply to #18060)
Subject: Re: Like a homesick angel

Centre county Pennsylvania, USA
FWIW, I give Trimble high marks for discontinuing use of static filter and innovating use of OnPath filter. Too many DGPS receiver suppliers do seem to be trapping users with static filter, that's almost an admission that they are not very much in tune with users application of this amazing technology.

I know this is not what Trimble marketing dept wants to hear, but I'm almost convinced that EZSteer will drive machines as well as Autopilot will, if they both have same quality DGPS. My next hope is that our very close beacon will provide corrections that are good enough to plant corn with here in these hills. When all the dust settles, I don't think RTK or proprietary subscription corrections will be farmer friendly.
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