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Like a homesick angel
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   Forums List -> Precision TalkMessage format
Posted 6/8/2006 12:58 (#18007 - in reply to #17844)
Subject: Re: Like a homesick angel

Sunnyvale, CA
I set the data port on my EZ-Guide plus to corrections input and set my Ag132 to output RTCME. I set the Ag132 to Manual beacon, and chose one of the 4 beacons I can receive at my location. On the GPS diagnostic screen of the EZ-Guide Plus I can see that PRN-211 is being used for corrections. PRN-211 corresponds to the beacon station number 211 on a frequency of 314 kHz. the age of corrections was usually 3 to 4 seconds. When I disconnected the cable the correction age started increasing until it reached the correction limit. I tried both 30 seconds and 240 seconds for a correction limit, and when the age of correction reached the set limit, on the GPS diagnostics screen the correction age indicated N/A, indicating a time out. So it looks like the EZ-Guide Plus can use external correctionis from a beacon receiver. I also tried the same with an AgGPS 124 receiver in RTCME mode and it produces the same successful results. I tried both 4800 and 38.2k baud for Corrections input and RTCME output, and they both worked properly. The Diff SNR which is used to indicate the WAAS signal strength reads N/A when using external beacon corrections, since the RTCM messages do not contain any signal strength info so there is nothing in the way of signal strength to report. The DGPS diagnostics indicated Not Searching for each of the WAAS SVs when I used the external beacon corrections. As long as the data port on the EZ-Guide Plus was set to corrections input, even after a timeout, the WAAS SVs were not tracked. When I changed the data port input from Corrections to None, then a WAAS signal was used for corrections. My conclusion: everything works as it should with the EZ-Guide Plus.

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