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Don Smith
Posted 6/8/2006 12:31 (#18001 - in reply to #17985)
Subject: RE: Quick & Dirty Antenna slope tests

Centre county Pennsylvania, USA
Ed, I agree. EZ G+ antenna does not need leveling bracket, on any tractor.

FWIW, I have plotted your AOR-W snr VS EZ G+ antenna tilt angle test data and fit it with 2nd, and 3rd order ploynomials. AOR-W SNR minimizes at -31 degree tilt for both. Because AOR-W is located at 31 degree elevation at your location, I believe that proves you had test orientation with AOR-W correct. I'll screen snap some of the matlab graphics of your test data and post them later under new thread. Sometimes graphics presentation of data is easier to remember next time we decide to install EZ G+ antenna on something.

Edited by Don Smith 6/8/2006 12:32
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