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Like a homesick angel
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   Forums List -> Precision TalkMessage format
Posted 6/7/2006 18:48 (#17830 - in reply to #17818)
Subject: Re: Like a homesick angel

Sunnyvale, CA
My understanding of how the input port on the EZ-Guide Plus works is you chose Corrections and the port parameters 8N1 4800, or whatever is needed to match the beacon receiver and the EZ-G+ should use that data coming in on the port and show something on the DGPS diagnostics screen. it may not show anything on the GPS corrections screen because that is internal to the GPS receiver for setting up WAAS and the correctins are coming from the external source. I haven't actually used an external beacon correction signal as I've described, but later today I'll be able to give it a try by putting an Ag132 that is receiving beacon corrections in External DGPS output mode which should be the same as your standalone beacon receiver output signal and put it into the EZ-Guide Plus serial port set to Corrections and see what happens on the DGPS diagnostics screen. If you are ready to try it, you may have it working before I get my equipment set up to try it out.
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