Agent Orange: Friendly fire that keeps on burning. | I had a friend that was with the Army Air Corps during WWII. His station was Alaska and they flew PBYs on long range recon missions over the waters between AK and the Land of the Rising Sun. To this day, I can see the twinkle in his eyes, his expression turn softer, and his gaze would turn upwards when he thought of his bird's original 750 HP engines being replaced with the twin wasp 1200 HP radial engines and turned into a Super Catalina. "She'd climb like a homesick angel." he'd say with a chuckle in his voice. It may not be the perfect analogy, but it's what came to my mind after watching the EZ-Steer perform with the relocated antenna. The kitty now goes for the line just like a "Homesick Angel" I took advantage of the small indention in the hood that they had taped the center sight to. Peeled that off and drilled a single 1/4" mounting hole for my iron plate. Should have possibly mounted it further forward yet, but couldn't bring myself to deface the hood in a location that couldn't be easily covered up later.
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mount.jpg (97KB - 1858 downloads)
close.jpg (30KB - 1853 downloads)