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PF Advantage Question
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   Forums List -> Precision TalkMessage format
Posted 5/31/2006 09:58 (#16113 - in reply to #16056)
Subject: RE: .pfc files

The .pfc files will no be named according to date, they will be named by operation (SITE in your instance) and field number.

The .yld files which contain the data you actually need to save to make maps later are named by date.

Boundary files have extensions that end in .bdy, but I'm not sure how they are named, no one around here ever uses them.

I use SMS advanced since I'm a retailer, but you would most likely want SMS Basic. It used to be free to use to just read data in, you had to unlock it to make maps. Not sure if it is still that way or if they just have a 30 day trial period now.

I agree that AgLeader tech support can be a big assistance, but talk to your local dealer first, they most likely have someone who can help out and you won't have to wait on hold.
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