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PF Advantage Question
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   Forums List -> Precision TalkMessage format
Posted 5/30/2006 13:50 (#15926 - in reply to #15902)
Subject: RE: PF Advantage Question

The maps that you see on the PF are just coverage maps, they do not contain any data. You can delete files off of the card to remove the coverage maps and not loose your planting data. DO NOT DELETE FILES THAT END IN .YLD!! The files that you want to delete will have the .pfc file extension. AgLeader added those files a few years back to prevent the problem they had with the monitor "forgetting" what it had done the day before. The files will look like "SITE001.PFC", where as your actual data files would be more like 06052701.YLD. The data files are named using the date and file number for that day. For instance the example I used would have been the first file created on May 29th, 2006. First two digits are the year, next two the month, third pair are the day, and the last pair designates the file number (can have multiple files created on the same day).
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