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EZ Steer T2 mounting
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Posted 5/20/2006 16:02 (#13538 - in reply to #13525)
Subject: Re: EZ Steer T2 mounting

Sunnyvale, CA
I am saying use the Timble instructions as you have shown.m. They are correct and will give good results, although the picture might be misinterpreted to seem to allow a side window mount, which is an incorrect interpretation of the picture. One of the earlier posters indicated he might have mounted the controller on the SIDE of the vehicles (where the displays are mounted) with the cables down. If the cables are down, then the plastic cover must be facing forward, and the side opposite the cables is parallel to the axles. If the side opposite the connectors is not mounted exactly parallel to the ground, that is OK because in the T2 calibration, that difference is measured and compensated and the roll angle is measured correctly.
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