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50 years and still going! (pics)
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Posted 5/23/2010 09:43 (#1210732 - in reply to #1209803)
Subject: RE: NIF-

Northern Idaho
Hayburner - 5/22/2010 09:49

ronm - 5/18/2010 21:18 Think this thread will go as far as the one on the ACMOC board? For those who haven't seen it, NIF started the best thread in history over on that site...I highly recommend it.... Ron in CO....

For those of us (maybe just me) who can't figure out what the "ACMOC board" is, can you provide a link to that thread?

I would really like to see those pictures since the ones posted here are absolutely great.

NIF....every think of starting a "Farming Dude Ranch"? Farmers from around the country coming for a week of "vacation" and helping out around the farm? Seeing the sights?

Beautiful country!

Here is the link, you should go ahead and make a username and login when viewing it because some people added pics that can only be viewed that way.

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