Northern Idaho | ronm - 5/18/2010 19:18
Think this thread will go as far as the one on the ACMOC board? For those who haven't seen it, NIF started the best thread in history over on that site...I highly recommend it....
Ron in CO....
No I dont expect it to, not enough cat enthusiasts on this board. That was really surprising how many views/replies/ and enormous amount of pics and info got onto that thread.
For those who have not seen pics by 98J on other boards here are a few from him from The Dalles Oregon wheat-fallow country. Outstanding pics of some nice equipment in my opinion, the pull type combine shown is how all harvest used to be done here, only crawlers were used in front on the hillsides.
Hopefully he gets on here sometime and posts up the rest of his nice hillside pics.
His 1969 cat D5 98J seeding a 48% slope.
Moldboard plowing
Old school harvest, IH hillside combine and a D4D out front.
The king of self propelled hillside combines, 70 series IH with 48% leveling
I prefer the color of his son in laws machine.