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Crop Insurance Subsidy-Could it be cut after sign-up??
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Posted 2/4/2025 00:10 (#11088149 - in reply to #11086881)
Subject: RE: Crop Insurance Subsidy-Could it be cut after sign-up??

South Central MN
Most likely those in good crop production areas would just cut the coverage back to what they can afford, or need, to pay for the inputs to keep going the following year. Been paying in more than what I get out of it 9 out of 10 years at 80% coverage on enterprise units. This year seems to be the odd one out due to too much rain in June and price drops. Won't pay for a new pickup but helps you get a crop in the ground for the next year.
Actually if you need that new pickup more than the crop inputs on a bad year you either have a Fred Flintstone vehicle or your priorities are messed up.

The most I can see for cuts to the subsidy would be to make it a 50-50 split vs. the 60-40 taxpayer/farmer it is now.
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