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Crop Insurance Subsidy-Could it be cut after sign-up??
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Posted 2/3/2025 12:55 (#11087138 - in reply to #11086881)
Subject: RE: Crop Insurance Subsidy-Could it be cut after sign-up??

Sanilac Co. Michigan
Dave9110 - 2/3/2025 10:19

We can only hope that the subsidy ends , but I doubt it. I don’t understand why farmers can’t be expected to pay the full cost of insurance if they want it.

Boy, this is a can of worms! It's not as simple as if you want insurance, then pay the whole premium. The whole push for mpci goes all the way back to the Clinton administration and a concerted effort to drive producers to take mpci and reduce/eliminate ad hoc direct disaster direct payments. Remember, if you're old enough, this is still a time period in the midst of the farm financial crisis. Not a bad idea, but it was presented as a carrot and stick proposition: you buy insurance in order to participate in any program, or you're S.O.L., that's the stick. In return, insurance got more heavily subsidized making meaningful coverage affordable...the carrot. The upshot was there was a minimal county insurance policy you could take to satisfy requirements, but it was nearly worthless, amounting to little more than an idiot fee you could pay to participate, an entry fee, really.

So, it's easy enough to say government ought not be involved, that might be true, but I can tell you from experience, when times get tough farmers come squealing like hogs to government trough, pushing and shoving to get their fill.
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