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Crop Insurance Subsidy-Could it be cut after sign-up??
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Posted 2/3/2025 08:24 (#11086647 - in reply to #11086628)
Subject: RE: Crop Insurance Subsidy-Could it be cut after sign-up??

Agree with you, Scott. This isn’t about crop insurance as much as it is about honoring the contract. If you want to do away with crop insurance, do it after this year or before next year, not in the middle after you made the commitment. I think when they tried to pause or cancel previously agreed to spending a week ago , it made a lot of people take pause and wonder what’s next. If you have a low interest loan from the USDA as a first time land buyer or grain facility, why can’t we just change the rate to current market rates? Shouldn’t have subsidized anyone in the first place. Let’s change the rules in the middle. Simply wrong in my opinion. Honor what is done, then stop doing it going forward.
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