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Crop Insurance Subsidy-Could it be cut after sign-up??
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JRCS Farms
Posted 2/3/2025 07:47 (#11086571 - in reply to #11086563)
Subject: RE: Crop Insurance Subsidy-Could it be cut after sign-up??

North Central Indiana
All depends what kind of disaster you have. Not worth the squeeze if it’s an 80% of normal year and you’re just buying the last 5%. Definitely worth the squeeze if it’s like 1996 was here. My family ended up with just under 2 semi loads of corn off of 700 acres. All acres in one spot at that point and had a tornado and 2 hail storms ravage things. Lost cattle, barns, bins, equipment, etc. insurance never makes you whole but we’d be in a different line of business without it
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