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Cheap Soil Sampling Setup
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Watson Eagle
Posted 1/29/2025 20:33 (#11080104 - in reply to #11078865)
Subject: RE: Cheap Soil Sampling Setup

Extreme Northwest MO
As the other guys have said, Ipad is pretty hard to beat. I bought a little bluetooth gps to connect to the Ipad in my SxS. The GPS is a Garmin Glo 2 (around a $100.) I think it's more accurate than just the Ipad by itself, and I can tell you for sure it does a better job of keeping up with current location. The Ipad by itself can get laggy at times. I used the Agfiniti app my first year, but found it slightly cumbersome. I used Vrafy this year and had a much better experience. I've told Ag Leader several times they should develop a soil sampling application within Agfiniti to be connected to SMS. The last guy said he'd pass my idea along. The sampling wasn't bad with Agfiniti, it was getting the data imported back in correctly that I had some trouble with.
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