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Cheap Soil Sampling Setup
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Posted 1/29/2025 17:59 (#11079825 - in reply to #11079616)
Subject: RE: Cheap Soil Sampling Setup


Artic - 1/29/2025 15:18 Just curious: Why would you want to get sub inch accuracy for soil samples? We usually take 10-20 sub samples and mix them to one sample and it would represent 1 to 5 hectares (some 2 to 15 acres), For this a normal smart phone accuracy is plenty good.

Agreed, that's why I voted ipad. Not connected to any external receiver. 

Yes you can have better accuracy but unless you're trying to get within the same 6" patch of soil 4 years later I don't see the reason. We sample from the whole zone/grid and combine. I want it to be a representative of the whole area. Tillage (and erosion unfortunately) moves the soil around anyway 

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