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Trimble FieldIQ module for Rawson alternative uses?
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Posted 1/28/2025 17:56 (#11078295)
Subject: Trimble FieldIQ module for Rawson alternative uses?

northeast ohio
Had a conversation with a fellow AgTalk member this past weekend about Rawson hydraulic drives and Trimble FieldIQ modules 75070-00. I’ve read where the Par2 drives are no longer repairable. Is this true? If so, are there alternative uses for the modules to control other hydraulic motors? What about electric motors running a pop up fertilizer pump?

Screen shot of a module listed in classifieds. They are unlike other FIQ modules, in fact they look like and have a wiring harness similar to a Raven product node.

Edited by neo_ag 1/28/2025 18:06

(IMG_1059 (full).jpeg)

Attachments IMG_1059 (full).jpeg (75KB - 85 downloads)
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