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Increasing cell phone GPS Accuracy
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Posted 1/27/2025 14:09 (#11076365 - in reply to #11075805)
Subject: RE: Increasing cell phone GPS Accuracy

NE South Dakota Clark, SD
Unfortunately any receiver using WAAS is not going to consistently keep you within 3 feet. You would need a subscription based signal such as JD SF2/3/RTK, Omnistar/Centerpoint RTX, Terrastar C/X. The 1500 is only capable of WAAS. We have many crop consultants and farmers using Garmin GLO 2 bluetooth receivers for soil sampling, they are sampling millions of acres per year. A GLO 2 will do just as good a job as the 1500 for what you are trying to accomplish and no cables needed. For apps, I have used GK Field Mapper, Google Earth, Locus Map and Maps Plus. GK Field mapper and Google Earth work on Apple and Android, Locus Map is Android only and Maps Plus is Apple only. I am pretty biased towards GK Field Mapper, but it will also import and export about any file type needed in the ag GIS world.
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