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Increasing cell phone GPS Accuracy
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Posted 1/28/2025 08:06 (#11077405 - in reply to #11075805)
Subject: RE: Increasing cell phone GPS Accuracy

Middlesex County, Ontario
I have a Ublox F9P with Bluetooth and a USB battery pack in a 3d printed case. It’s ~$400. I use it with the SW Maps app which lets me connect to my base station and gives me full RTK, 1” repeatable accuracy.

Mine’s a little DIY but you can buy modules and cases to make something like this with with off the shelf parts.

Here’s a kit that uses the same sorts of parts and includes everything you need. Just add a USB battery pack or power it from your phone or a 12v USB charger. They have some less expensive kits that don’t have the survey pole, phone holder.

Edited by WildBuckwheat 1/28/2025 08:12

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