Jeffersonville, OH | co2shaun - 7/7/2024 22:41
Anyone give me some more info on the GPS that goes to a fieldstar2 monitor on a gleaner combine? I assume that the small GPS receiver on the bin is sending nmea message to the monitor in the cab. I would like to know what messages are being sent and how fast. I would also like to know a little more on the wiring. I always figured the 9 pin serial port connector in with the fuse box also went to the GPS receiver data lines but that doesn't seem to be case unless I have missed something.
Not much, what do you want to do?
I don't remember the messages, but it's 1 HZ
I wouldn't try to use that GPS for anything, it's really not even worth a hoot for Yield anymore, too old and not accurate at all.
What year is your combine, and I can look and see what the 9 pin is for, but I think it was the old in cab printer.
Chris |