I am curious if anyone has seen this hydraulic valve before. We bought it off ebay a few years ago and have it mounted and using it with a Paradyme and SA module. The way it is setup works perfectly on a tractor with open center steering hydraulics. Since it was sold as a damaged item by a salvage company I have not been able to figure out who the OEM was that had these made. We would like to find a few more of these for on the farm.
(valve part no1 (full).jpg)
(valve pic auction site 1 (full).jpg)
(valve pic auction site 2 (full).jpg)
(valve pic auction site 3 (full).jpg)
(valve TW20 tractor (full).jpg)
(valve otherpart no (full).jpg)
Attachments ---------------- valve part no1 (full).jpg (49KB - 180 downloads) valve pic auction site 1 (full).jpg (57KB - 159 downloads) valve pic auction site 2 (full).jpg (51KB - 172 downloads) valve pic auction site 3 (full).jpg (44KB - 160 downloads) valve TW20 tractor (full).jpg (169KB - 168 downloads) valve otherpart no (full).jpg (38KB - 168 downloads)